Interior Design, International Sourcing & Acquisition

Who We Are
Lord & Vella is a trade company specializing in sourcing for interior designers, hotels and private clients.
Having been in the business for over 25 years, Pamela Lord and her team are experts at interior design, project management and consulting. Our studio is based in Belgravia in the
heart of London. Our extensive experience includes both residential and commercial properties in the UK as well as overseas, building site management, sourcing, antiques and logistics
The Lord & Vella design team are trained interior designers hailing from all over the globe and boast a wide variety of backgrounds including rock & roll, international security,
psychotherapy, agriculture, acting and hospitality.
Click here to see some of our recent projects!

Flash the cat keeps operations running smoothly!
Contact Us
Telephone: 0207 235 2202
Fax: 0207 245 1023
For enquiries please email Kate on kdegel@lordandvella.com
Company VAT No. GB 497 6581 78